Village Show

THE VILLAGE SHOW   –   Saturday 10 August 2024.

HISTORY:  Since the 1950s the Hall Committee has run a Village Show and Children’s Sports Day every August.  Up to 2019 this took place on the Show Field at the top of the village just next to the Methodist Church.  We hired a large marquee for all the Show entries, including children’s classes, jams, cakes, handicrafts, photographs, fruit and veg, etc.  The traditional children’s races covered wheelbarrow races, sack races, 3-legged races, and bike races as well as running.  All this could only happen because of our supporters and volunteers in and around the parish, coordinated for many years by our hard-working Show Secretaries Claire Binns and then Maureen Hague. 

Thornton-le-Beans village show tent exhibits

No Shows were held in 2020 or 2021 because of COVID.  The Committee reluctantly decided that, with hardly any children now living in the village, and with a smaller and ageing pool of willing volunteers, we  had to scale our efforts down.  Accordingly in both 2022 and 2023 we ran a Show only, held at the Village Hall with some extra marquees,  but with a reduced number of classes and no Children’s Sports.

The 2024 Show will again be held at the Hall from 1.00pm to 4.30pm on Sat 10 August.
The approximate time-table  is as follows:
Judging will be complete by 1.00pm, when the exhibit tents will be open to the public.
Afternoon teas will be served from 1.30pm to 4.30pm.
Children’s Fancy Dress judging will be held at 2.15pm.
Prize-giving will be at around 3.30 – 3.45pm, to be followed immediately by the
August 100 Club Draw – Star Prize £100

There a fine list of Children’s and Adults’ classes you can enter  –  see the 2024 Show Schedule

NB  There are NO ENTRY FEES and NO CASH PRIZES for any of the classes.  Please bring your entries up to the Hall between 10am and 12 noon on Show Day, to give time for the judges to make their deliberations.

Prizegiving 2022